Memorial Day Story: On Finding Love in the Worst of Times
This Memorial Day weekend, we’re saluting all those who served and made sacrifices for the sake of our country and our freedom. We’re especially grateful to the veterans in our care.
SKLD Zeeland resident Elsie Howard was born in Denmark in 1918--just over 100 years ago!
When she was around 9 or 10 (can you blame her for not being sure anymore?!), her family immigrated to Detroit, Michigan where she learned English quickly. She enrolled in an accelerated study course, graduated early, and went on to nursing school.
During WWII Elsie enlisted as a nurse in the army and was shipped out to Africa. There she met her husband, Loren Howard, who was an engineer in the army. They were married in Italy on June 4, 1944, just two days before D-day.
Elsie and Loren on their wedding day in Italy during World War II
After the war she used her experience as an army nurse to provide hospice care to the elderly members of her church, before hospice services were even available.
Thank you, Elsie, for your service and for sharing your story with SKLD.